Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nuevos diseños flor4u

Tras el rotundo éxito de su primera colección, Flor4u acaba de presentar 3 nuevas colecciones de vinilos decorativos. En sus nuevos diseños cabe destacar nuevamente la elegancia, la sofisticación y la calidad de los vinilos, características a las que ya nos tiene acostumbrados la firma.

Recomendado visitar la galería donde pueden visualizarse fotografías ambientadas de las distintas colecciones en www.flor4u.com

Paredes decoradas con Flor4u

Q-esko Dissenys presenta Flor4u, una colección destinada al mundo del interiorismo y la decoración compuesta de 10 vinilos adhesivos inspirados en el arte floral.

Estos vinilos son aptos para paredes lisas así como para cristal y madera. Los modelos pueden estar orientados a izquierda o derecha y están disponibles en una amplia gama de colores. Existe la posibilidad de diseños personalizados.

Más información en:


Cómo colocar vinilos decorativos

Los vinilos decorativos son la última tendencia a la hora de decorar paredes.
Sin duda, la pregunta que a todos nos surge a la hora de decidirnos a comprar un vinilo decorativo es:

¿Es fácil de colocar un vinilo decorativo? ¿Podré hacerlo yo mismo?
De la mano de MiraEnTuInterior.com, firma dedicada a la venta de vínilos decorativos, os presentamos un video explicativo de como colocarlos. Con él podemos ver que con un poco de paciencia, cualquiera puede hacerlo.

Una vez visto el video y comprobar que no es tan complicado, es hora de hacer un breve repaso a las diferentes colecciones de MiraEnTuInterior.com. Destacamos los vinilos decorativos infantiles, que posiblemente son los más difíciles de encontrar.

Fuente: www.miraentuinterior.com

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

There is something to a room designed in black and white. A black and white kitchen can be elegant, enigmatic and can give a dramatic look to your home. Decorating a black and white kitchen requires a good eye for balance and placement. The colours, even if slightly off, can ruin the look of the whole room. But if used well together, black and whitfe play off each other’s strengths and will definitely give the kitchen an appealing look. We thought, in this post, we will show you guys how the pros do it. Here are some inspirational black and white kitchens from French kitchen maker Mobalpa.

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

French Kitchen Maker From Mobalpa

Is black and white now your style? How about some brown kitchen designs then?

Decorating Tips And Foyer Design Furnitures

A foyer is an entryway to your home. The careful design and decoration of foyers is often neglected as these areas are sometimes considered just to be a pass through space. But it is necessary to keep in mind that foyers give guests the first impression about your home. And more importantly, it is the place to greet YOU when you come home.

Foyer Decorating Tips

1. You could try painting your foyer a different colour from adjacent rooms. Warm colours appear more inviting.

2. It is advisable to use lighting with adjustable brightness. Though you need the foyer to be well lit, you don’t want it to be glaringly bright. If you want something ‘high impact’, experiment hanging a chandelier. Keep in mind the limitation of the space, when choosing lighting.

3. Hang a mirror in the foyer to show attractive features on the opposite wall and to give an effect of increased space.

4. You could also display a gallery wall of artwork, photographs or showcase a beautiful piece of sculpture or bronze on a foyer table.

5. In order to bring a bit of ‘life’ into the space you could place plants inside. It is ideal to consider ones that are ‘tall’ and do not occupy too much floor space .

Pictures of Beautiful Foyers

Decorating Tips And Foyer Design Furnitures

Decorating Tips And Foyer Design Furnitures
Decorating Tips And Foyer Design Furnitures
Decorating Tips And Foyer Design Furnitures

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home

Most attics live and die without ever having an identity of their own. If planned well, they can be put to good use. The attic can be transformed into an office or a lounge. It can either act as your study or just a room where you can chill out. If you are an artist, the room can be a great place to brainstorm. Its basically the seclusion of it from the rest of the house which makes it such a big hit. If you have been toying with idea of what to do with your attic take a look at the pictures below. You can apply a fresh theme to the room(like the car room) or use very rusty colours to give it a worn out, old vintage feel. Whatever you choose, the place which once was smelly won’t be the same anymore.

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces DesignThe Estate of Things

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces Design House Dreams

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home

Attic Spaces Design For Kids

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces Design Anton Lepashov

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home

Attic Spaces Design For Kids

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home

This is from a house we covered more in detail here: Beautiful French Country House

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home

Attic Spaces Design Via

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home

Attic Spaces Design

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces Design Via

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces Design Via

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces Design Via

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces Design Cars themed kid attic

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home
Attic Spaces Design Via

Attic Spaces Design For Minimalis Home

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 3

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 3

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 3

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 3

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 3

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 3

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 3

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2

Teen Bedrooms Designs With Small Space Colection 2